Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Biden needs support from millions of Americans who don't think he can do the job

President Biden's team continues to believe that tens of millions of Americans - perhaps as many as 1 in every 5 voters - will cast a ballot for him this year despite their current conviction that he is already too old or not mentally competent to do the job.

"There is going to be a lot of hay made about 'up to the job or not,' without people stopping to say, 'Is that a vote-driving metric?'" one Biden campaign pollster said in an interview Sunday, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe strategy. "It is unclear at this point whether that is a metric that voters are going to use to decide their choice."

Biden's debate debacle Thursday laid bare the bet, forcing the 81-year-old president to admit the following day at a North Carolina rally that he has a diminished capacity for walking and talking. The concerns that have flared within the party since have focused on a fear that the decline evident at the debate and in other recent public events will only continue, disqualifying him as a candidate.


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